K-beauty Eliza Orlic | Contributor K-beauty Eliza Orlic | Contributor

The perfect Korean skincare routine

Ever wondered why everyone’s switching over to Korean skincare and how you can too? Follow our simple guide and top tips to create a Korean skincare routine that’s perfect for you.

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Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor

Suneung: South Korea’s college entrance exam

On the 17th November, Korean high school students test years of dedicated studying in the infamous Suneung – the national college entrance exam. We explore Suneung’s formidable reputation and the lengths students go to pass.

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Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor

Explaining the rise of Hallyu

‘Hanryu’/‘Hallyu’ — ‘Han’ referring to Korea and ‘Ryu’ meaning wave — has come to dominate modern pop culture narratives in the last twenty years. While there is a broad spectrum of what exactly can be defined as part of Hallyu, it can often be boiled down to five main categories…

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